I made it Big D with no real issues...I think I got here at about 1:30, not bad since I left about 10:30 and I stopped for gas a burgers on the way. It was a nice drive most of the way. No rain until I got to about Carl's Corner, and then it was raining, and the old lady driver in me came out. Before it started raining, the clouds were really beautiful...dark, light, grey, fluffy, flat, you name it. They were really interesting. I got settled into the the Hotel, called Jody to let him know I had arrived, and then I went downstairs to the trade show. Bags full of give-away stuff from the different vendors. I will make another trek down there later, I actually participated in one of their games, and I need to be present to win...so if I disappear, I was intending to be down at the trade show at 5PM...
Okay, I am back. I went to the prize drawing and did not win anything, but I was able to hang out with Mark and his lovely bride Shara. Very nice evening, and we had a variety of topics to discuss. I had THREE glasses of wine, and I kind of think that is a new record for me (post fraternity days). AND, I am not even feeling the least bit intoxicated. I am not feeling like I would be ready to drive back to Austin, either, but...
I just got off the phone with Jody, it is raining again in Austin, and we are up to about three inches in the gauge since yesterday, so that puts us over twelve inches of rain in the last three days. CRAZY!
Work on your good deeds, and on something you can do to make our world a better place. I will check in with you again tomorrow. Have Fun!
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