The Collector's Market in Georgetown called and said they had sold a bunch-o-stuff yesterday, so there was some space in our cases, so we are rummaging around in sheds and in the garage for stuff to take to fill in. That is not really hard to do, since we have STUFF everywhere. It always amazes us what they sell in that place, we get an itemized list of the sales every two weeks, and it just boggles the mind! We will take a fresh pile-o-stuff in to them sometime in the next week or so.
Okay, well we are back from the vets with the new old dog. He is probably a retriever-collie mix (I would never have guessed that) and most likely between 5 and 7 years old. He has heart worms and plain old worms (I knew about the plain old worms) and other than that, seems to be in pretty good shape. Stage One on the heart worms, so we will most likely take him in in a couple of weeks and have him will be about a six month process, but it should eliminate the heart worms period, instead of just treating them. He also has an appointment with the grooming place on Saturday morning at 8AM...allegedly with a patient groomer. We are just going to have him shaved and give him a fresh start. He is really badly matted. We brought him home and let him inside for the first time, and one of the first things he did was to go for the garbage pail in the kitchen...not a good sign, since the other dog never paid any attention to it. Oh well, it will take some adjusting for all of us. It will all work out.
Tomorrow starts the abbreviated work week, and I will be teaching two days, and then next Sunday leave for the TAR convention in Dallas. Then things will calm down for a little while. In October Carrie and I will be going to Orlando for almost a full week for the NARPM convention, and then in November I will be going to San Diego for the NAR convention. Then we will be almost at a new year, and it will all start all over again.
Okay, if you can think of it, try and do something kind for someone who is not expecting it of you. It can be as simple as making a small financial contribution to a local charity, or just saying thank you to someone who has done something nice for you. It does not need to be a gigantic thing. Several small kindnesses will add up over time! AND, while you are at it, see what you can do to make our world a better place for all of us. I personally will appreciate that very much. And Have Fun!
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