The City of Taylor, Texas is a quiet small town at 7:45 in the morning, just the way I like it. I was in town early this morning to pick up feed for the cattle, and the Taylor Feed Store does not open until 8 o'clock, but I could not figure that out on the Internet. So, I got there a little bit earlier than they open, and I just spent a few minutes of quiet time. It was great. It seems, too, that the owner of the feed store is a Real Estate Broker and an appraiser, although he has let his appraisers license lapse. He said he is still keeping his Brokers license, just in case the feed store gig doesn't work out. I think it will eventually lapse, though!

Anyway, I bought feed, molasses buckets, salt blocks and mineral blocks, and headed home. Once I got closer to the house, the guys that are installing the structures that will eventually be electric transmission lines were out working, and I stopped to complain to them that they were ruining the appeal of the country kind of life...I also acknowledged that I know it is not 'them' but they are the only people we can see, and they are doing it, so the unhappiness naturally manifests itself to 'them'. I think they understand that, and no cross words were exchanged. I am happy to report that the 110 foot towers will most likely be visible from our property, but they will make a turn and head-off away from our property, so there will not be any power lines crossing our property for the immediate future. You never know what can happen down the road, though.
So, to continue...I got home and our hired guys were here, and I got one of them to help my put out hay, feed the cattle, distribute molasses tubs and salt and mineral blocks, and by 10 AM I was taking a shower and getting ready to go into Austin to get ready for my real estate appointments. I had pretty much done a days work, but it was okay...working around the farm is not REAL work, it is kind of like PLAY work, and I really like it.
So, traffic was crazy in Austin, everyone is getting ready for the UT vs Texas Tech game tonight. I have no strong opinions either way, but it would be nice if UT could be victorious, after the whoopin they took last year. We shall see...I however will not be watching the game...I kind of feel like I am a bad luck charm, so I will wait until the late news or the morning newspaper to see who won. GO HORNS!
Meatloaf for dinner tonight, and tomorrow will be another busy day, although at this time I have no reason to go into Austin. I think Jody and I will be doing some chores in Georgetown, and we will of course have to stop for a spoiler at Dairy Queen. I am also determined to get a hair cut tomorrow. IT WILL HAPPEN! And, we will see what other kind of mischief we can get into on a nice Sunday. We are hoping for a little bit of rain next week, and we will see if that will pan out or not.
Okay, good deeds, kind acts, make the world a better place, Have Fun!
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