Traffic was really pretty much of a breeze this morning, although I did come to a complete stop two or three times. It is just something to be expected, but I made good time into the city, and I hope that will keep up for this afternoon. I have a 3:30 appointment, and so far, there is nothing on the schedule for the weekend except lolling about with a good book (okay, really, probably not) but you get the idea. I am sure I will find something to do. Cows and those kinds of things tend to keep someone busy.
I am thinking about opening the back pasture up to the cattle tomorrow morning. I have a lot of Blackland Prairie Grass Seed to put out, but I need the cattle to eat down the grass that is there so I can plant it. I am really kind of nervous about the cattle with only two electrical wires between us and freedom, but it seems to work for all the other cattle in the county. I guess I need to just put on my 'big boy cowboy' boots and go with it. If you see an anguished post tomorrow, you will know what happened. They all made a break for it!
OMG! It is after 8 o'clock, and Jody and I jut got home from dinner. We went into El Patron's in Georgetown...YUMMY! We both had spinach enchiladas, and they were really good! After dinner, Jody wanted to make a run into HEB, and I wanted to make a run into Tractor Supply. I dropped Jody off at HEB and I went on to Tractor Supply. I then picked Jody up and we BOTH went into Hobby Lobby. This cooler weather has gotten me started on crocheting again...the Holiday Season is just around the corner, and you need to get your Holiday Crocheting done. Don't wait till the last minute!
The drive home this afternoon was a real snooze...I could have snoozed while I waited for traffic to move, but instead, I updated my FaceBook status and other important things. It was a long commute home.
Pretty darn close to my bedtime. Gonna be a great weekend, I can tell already! Try to do a kind deed for someone who is not expecting it of you. Try to come up with some small thing that will make the planet a better place for all of us. And, as long as you are at it, Have Fun!
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