Well, goodness gracious. Today was just filled with ups and downs, conveniently there were more up, but you need to remember, for every peak there is a valley! I did not sleep very comfortably last night, I am having a bit of back pain, just another condition of advancing years. It took a long time for me to find a comfortable position for sleeping, and I am not sure I ever did actually find that 'sweet spot'. Hopefully tonight will be better, and a day is always better ofter a good nights sleep.

Last night after I posted my entry, Pauline called and we met out at the peach tree to see how they were doing. They were actually doing very well, so we picked about four of them, and I washed and ate the one that had been partially eaten by something, not sure what. It was very sweet, just about the most delicious peach I have ever eaten, at least since those last peaches that Pauline gave us. So, tonight after dinner, I went out and checked on the peaches again, and picked them all off the tree. I had picked several, and left a few that I felt might not be entirely ripe, but then I changed my mind and picked them all. No sense leaving a few for the next day when something (raccoons?) might come in the dark of the night and make off with them. We ended up with about thirty peaches off that small tree, and we had given that tree up for dead after the drought of the past few years. BUT IT FOOLED US! I think this is the first time I have ever had peaches from our own trees. I can remember as a little kid growing up in Michigan, we had a plum tree in the backyard of one of our houses, and we would get fresh plums in the summer. No peaches though. I hope this is the start of a wonderful trend!
After I went out to look at the peaches, I went back to check on the cattle. All is good in the cattle word at JB Acres. No challenges, and no new calfs either.

The chickens are doing well also, I went out earlier and fed them, and took this photo with the chicken-cam. They are about ten weeks old today, about half way to their calling (which is really laying). I am looking forward to really good fresh brown eggs from our own chickens. Wonderful! They will also come pretty close to eating out of my hand, and I am sure it is just a matter of time, and not much time either. They are really pretty amenable to doing just about anything if it means there might be a piece of bread in it for them. Easily swayed!

also think these sunflowers next to the pool are quite attractive. Sometimes just the simplest things are the best. When you see a patch of sunflowers or daisies in a field (and even dandelions for that matter), the ebb and flow of the sea of yellow is just incredible. Very pretty.
Tomorrow is another full day.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, PEACHES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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