Rain again last night, after I published yesterdays entry. It came in just as we were finishing dinner, so we sat at the table for a long time just watching the clouds roll in, watching the rain, watching the wind speeds register on the nuclear weather station. Oh, and we spent a good deal of time assuring the dog that nothing terrible was going to happen, and that thunder and lightning is a natural occurrence during a storm, and that he had survived several in his lifetime, and the odds were pretty good that he would survive this one as well. After the storm was over (we got a little over an inch of rain) the skies cleared up a bit, and I went out to see the clouds, and they were once again grand. There was also a cow in distress across the road from us, so I went to make sure that it had not been swept away somehow in one of the arroyos and was stuck somewhere. So, there was no evidence of cows in distress, obviously just a young cow that enjoyed the sound of its own MOO!
Spent a long day at the Board today, the more I get involved, the more I enjoy it. Again, Associations are complicated animals, and I really enjoy the work that it takes to keep them running smoothly. Rewarding!
I did finally make it in to the office around 3 o'clock this afternoon. Well, let me correct that...I actually got into the office this morning about 6:30, and did some power real estate before I headed off to the Board, and then I got back to the office about 3 for more power real estate. My desk is relatively clear at this moment, but that is not likely to last very long.
I have a meeting tomorrow that will go from about 9 until 1, and then back to the office. At least tomorrow I have nothing pressing at the office so I will not need to go into the office first. Then I will be in the office in the afternoon, and all day on Friday, finishing up end-of-the-month things. I am very fortunate to have a wonderful business partner and two staff members that are totally competent in their jobs. It allows me to be absent for long periods without feeling like something is being neglected. Thanks to Carrie, Tom and Karla!

The chickens survived the storm as well, and seem to be happily putzing around in the little world. They seem to be contented (as contented as a chicken can be). We have a friend that sometimes 'house-sits' for some chickens (when the chicken owners have to be out of town). Anyway, he told Jody that when he takes care of the chickens, there is one chicken in particular that, when they are let loose from their run, it RUNS to a particular flower pot on the porch, lays a nice sized egg, and then wants to be petted and held and told what a good chicken she is. I am not sure if that could be considered 'enabling' or not, but I definitely think it is borderline.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, ENABLED CHICKENS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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