Change AC Filters - Check.
Put up peg boards in garage - Check.
Pick figs to take to Pauline - Check.
Get some canning jars for Pauline - Check.
Go buy cattle feed in Taylor - Check.
Feed the cattle - Check.
Move the last of the baled hay - Check.
Water the front flower beds - Check.
Begin reorganizing the garage - Check.
Cut the grass - OOPS!
Check CraigsList for firewood - Maybe tomorrow.

It was a busy day, and there were lots of good accomplishments. The day started out nicely, and I am getting to where I can actually stay in bed a little bit longer on the weekends. I really like the morning glories, and they are doing really well. I am having to nurture the four o'clocks a little more than I was expecting to, but once they get all settled, I think everything will be just fine.
The cattle all got fed, moved the freshly baled hay out of the pasture, and now we could do with a little bit of rain. The television meteorologists are prognosticating that our rain chances will increase a little bit this week coming, but nothing over 40%. We could really use the rain, and that would make the pastures all green up nicely. Just about an inch will do, thank you very much.

Earlier this morning, Jody opened the door to the dogs yard and got stung by a wasp. It left a nice big red mark on his back. This afternoon while I was out picking figs, I got stung by a wasp, so I guess we are even. There are always wasps out there at the fig tree doing whatever it is wasps do with figs, and they have never bothered me before, but I apparently may this particular wasp particularly unhappy. Oh well, his loss, LITERALLY! Nothing I can do about wasps around the fig tree, so I kept on picking. I did get the wasp spray out though, and gave the wasps by the dogs door a good dose. Those are most likely gone now!
Tomorrow I think Jody and I are going to go back down to Red Rock, I need to get AC filters for the system down there, and get some salt for the water softener. And, while I am at it, I will get some salt for our system.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, WASPS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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