Okay, another great day in central Texas for the most part! I stayed in bed pretty late this morning, did not get out of the bed until 6:15. Went out and did morning ritual things, read the paper, had coffee, and decided to go and pick figs. We had been a little bit concerned that the figs were not ripening as we thought they should, but I was listening to John Dromgoole's on his weekly gardening show last week, and he said never fear, they would ripen. AND, sure enough they are beginning to ripen. I am sure we will be pretty much covered up with figs for the next several weeks. Do you want some figs? Let us know!

I took some figs over to Pauline and Hubert, and they sent me home with some fresh peaches and fig preserves from last year. Share the bounty! After that, a friend of ours (Jody)sent us some photos of the farm in Red Rock, which is looking to be in disrepair, so I will be going to Red Rock tomorrow to do a little bit of maintenance on that place. May be the reason the property has not sold, what do you think? I also think Jody is going to put some longhorn calves out on the property to get the pastures under control. Jody says the pastures are all pretty well overgrown, and you cannot really see the house from the road. Not a good sign. Everything will work out the way it is supposed to.
Jody and I also drove in to Austin, I had an appointment to show one property, and a new property came on the market that was just around the corner, so I showed that one as well. Interestingly, my client liked the one that just came on the market, so that was a good happenstance! We are still working to get her existing home sold, so all in good time, all in good time.

When we got home (we had to stop at the Dairy Queen in Georgetown) we both took a short nap, I did some more chores around the house, and went out and fed the chickens. It is amazing how big they are getting. They are getting a bit of lettuce and dry bread to supplement their chicken-feed. Seems to be working! There are very interesting little animals, and a bit pushy at times! Tomorrow I am going to need to clean their nesting boxes.

After that, I went out to check on the cattle. I was a little suspicious that there might be a new calf, but nope, just the same cattle back there. I do believe that Doodle Bug is pregnant, and she should be having a calf pretty darn soon. They were all very curious as well as to what I was up to, and they all thought they were going to get some feed, but I fooled them. I was just checking on things, and took the opportunity to take this photo of Violet, the first calf that was born to us. I can remember when she was born, I was totally in a state of hysteria. Sort of a common occurrence now!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, FIGS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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