Chasing two head of cattle that got loose when I left the pasture gate open was not one of the things I had on my 'To-Do-List' for today. BUT, I am nothing if not flexible. The two culprits were Doodle Bug and Minnie Moonbeam, and there was not too much incentive for them to go back in the pasture. They made it all the way up to the house and turned back, but there was still some herding to do. I finally got Minnie back in the pasture, and finally Doodle Bug decided she would like to see what it was I had in the feed bucket. So all is well that ends well.

OH, and it seems Doodle Bug had a new heifer calf last night, so that could explain some of her incentive for fleeing the premises. I had moved the cattle from one pasture to the other, and that is when the great escape occurred. After everyone was back in the confines of the fenced pasture, I went to move the hay ring to the fresh bale of hay I put out last week. I was heading for the far back pasture when I noticed Doodle Bug wandering towards the pasture I had just moved them from...AND...there was the new calf. I guess she had been taking a little schnooze when I moved them (then chased them) and the youngest of them all slept through the whole thing. I had thought of calling her 'Lonesome Bug' but I think I will change that to 'Sleepy Bug'. I don't really want to give her a complex this early in life. She is certainly a cutie!

Oh, and now the chickens are roaming free during the day. They did not hesitate to venture out when I propped open their chicken gate from the screened area they have been roaming in. I am pretty confident they will be easy to herd back into their confined area with a little bot of food in the evenings. I think the first several days will be the most angst ridden for me. We shall see. I will go and check on them in a little while.
Jody just got up from a quick little snooze, so I think we are going to head off to Georgetown for a spoiler. I will let you know how that all works out later.

Once Jody and I got home from our adventure at the Georgetown Dairy Queen, I went out to make sure the chickens were okay, but there was not a chicken in sight. I called them (yes, I can call the chickens and they respond), but there was no response. I looked all around, and there was no sign of any chickens, but there were also no signs of feathers anywhere, either. Upon further investigation, all six of the chickens were hunkered down in the bamboo between the house and the coop, and they seemed to be very comfortable. Were you looking for us? Whatever...
Later on I went out and cut the grass in the front, and they decided they did not really care for all the commotion the riding lawn mower made, and they decided they would go back into their fenced in area. Smart chickens! Later on, they again decided to go out and investigate, but when they saw me coming out with their evening snacks, they headed into their pen, and that was the end of their adventures for this day.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, FREE RANGE CHICKENS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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