We now return to our regularly scheduled program.
The chickens, on the other hand, were not thrilled that they did not get to do their 'free-range' routine today. We were heading out to have Christmas dinner with our friends Michael and Lynda, so we left the house about noon, and did not expect to get home until after dark, which is exactly how things turned out.
Michale and Lynda and their son Josh had all prepared a wonderful dinner of crown roast of pork and all the fixings that go along with it. There were three other friends on theirs that joined in on the festivities; Robert who we have known for many years from back when I was a recreational bike rider, and John and Roseanne. John is with the Architecture School at UT (I think) and I apologize I am not sure if Roseanne is gainfully employed. A lovely time was had by all. I also asked if their dog enjoyed bones (he does not) so I asked to for the bones from dinner to bring home for the Bear-Boy. AND THEN WE FORGOT THEM! That's okay though, Lynda is coming out this coming week, so I will ask her to ferry them out to us then.
A nice ride home, and once we got here, I needed to go close the girls up for the night. I collected five eggs, and then had to go out to the pastures to turn off the water since we are supposed to have a pretty good freeze tonight. Better safe than sorry. Even turning the water off back there is no real guarantee that nothing will happen. Water and cold (really cold) weather do not make a great combination, and you never really know what to expect.
But, it is all done for now, and we expect no real issues. I will know better tomorrow. By the way, I was rewarded with some very lovely gifts from several people. I am the luckiest man in the universe, no really, THE LUCKIEST and the happiest, too!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, DELICIOUS DINNERS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN.
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