What a great day this was. It has taken me a while, but I am pretty darned motivated and working towards balance. Legs crossed, fingers in the correct position, now...'OMMMMMMMMMMM'. Groovy. I should also probably try doing some yoga. I don't think you really need to be taught yoga, and think if you can just find a quiet place, close your eyes and erase everything from your mind, that ought to do it. Kind of like business meetings except without the fluorescent lights. What do you think?
I am delighted with the good work I am getting done (or supervising others to do for me). I have always said creativity comes in having the idea, not in the execution of the work of art. If I can think it, I can always try to get someone else to turn it into reality. Works for me!
I had the honor of going to CostCo this afternoon, to do shopping for a break we are sponsoring tomorrow morning. I picked one heck of a time to start a diet, but I am doing pretty well all things considered. After all, it was my birthday last week, and there was cake. And the week before that it was Thanksgiving, and there is still pie in the refrigerator out in the garage. And I have not been 100% strict, but I have done pretty well. Just vetoing the trips to the drive-through will give me a certain amount of benefit. ANYWAY, my car is full of chocolate bits and all manner of things with carbohydrates. Honestly though, once I make up my mind to do something, I am pretty dedicated.

On the way home, the Basset was sitting out in the road again waiting for me. I worry that he will get hit by someone that does not know his/their routines. ANYWAY, this seemed like another good photo-op, so I took several photos of him, none of which I was able to get when he was looking at me. SO, I opened my car door to get a better shot, and then I thought the owners might think I was trying to kidnap the dog, so I went on. I have talked with the owners several times, so they pretty much know my routine with the Basset Boy Dog!

I got home, fed the chickens, boiled some eggs for lunches, stoked the fire in the stove, brought more firewood into the garage an then went out to put the girls to bed for the night. Jody got six eggs today, so they are still doing well, and they are certainly happy for all we can tell. They do not seem to mind the cold weather at all, and they certainly never complained about the heat. Resilience! Just a note in passing, the morning glories are down but they are not out! They are still putting on a nice show, even if they are a little bit pale!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, GLORIOUS DAYS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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