I started the day with a Spokesperson Training class at the Board of REALTORS, and I was very happy with the way that class proceeded. About a dozen attendees, pretty evenly mixed with experienced speakers and those that aspire to speak about TREPAC. I was totally delighted with the enthusiasm and command of the tasks that the new speakers showed, and we were all delighted that there are colleagues that will want to take up the cause when we 'old timers' are put out to pasture...literally in my case!
After the training, I had been asked to judge the Holiday Decorations of the various departments at the Board, and that was really a lot of fun. A lot of hard work had gone into the decorating of the departments, and there was a lot of competition for bragging rights, all in a good natured sense of camaraderie.
I made it to the office, and got a little bit of work done. I have to admit that it is REALLY slow in the office, but we always expect that at this time of year. I headed to the house about 3:30, and made one quick stop, and then headed home.
We thought we had lost a chicken tonight as well, but everything turned out alright. When I went out to feed the girls, one of the production reds was missing, and we looked and looked and could not find her. I thought maybe she had wandered into the garage and I had closed her in there, but when I looked all over the garage she was not to be found. We figured we had a casualty in the chicken department, but Jody looked in the garage again, and there she was. She must have been under one of the cars. Okay, I admit, I did not get down on my hands and knees looking for this chicken. I figured if she was out in the garage, she would have made her presence know...BUT NOOOOOOOOO! Anyway, she got carried out to join the other chickens, but also was carried through the house to the front door. She did remark that she liked our coop, and now she is talking about hiring someone to re-do their coop. It never ends.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, MISSING CHICKENS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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