I had an inspiring day at the office, a day filled with resolutions to nagging issues I have been coping with. I am really excited about some decisions I made, and am looking forward to getting some things implemented before the New Year. I think 2011 will be a good year, and I am looking forward to it with renewed vigor. Whatever...
Well, there was a temporary delay just then, I had to download a program that re-sizes photos that I post on this journal. BUT, I am really happy that I could figure this part of the process out. I continually short change myself when it comes to being able to figure out computer stuff, but in reality, I think I can pretty much get from one point to another successfully. Truth be known, it is really much simpler for me NOT to have to read the books, and even simpler for me to get someone else to do the set-ups and things for me. I admit that...
SO, with all the new attitudes, I am a pretty darn happy camper. Several accomplishments made, chickens fed, chickens put to bed. It is a warmer overnight expected, so that is also something to put in the plus column.
Tomorrow will be a pretty fun day; 8:30 Board Installation at the Austin Country Club (I do not know if I have ever been there, if I have it has not been frequently), and then the afternoon to play catch up for the weekend.
Who can complain? Not me! Life is excellent! Enjoy...
Deeds, Actions, Changes, HAPPINESS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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