After a brief mention of this glorious sunrise this morning, this entry will be devoted mostly to things cow. Yes, you heard (or herd) me correctly, this entry will be ALMOST entirely devoted to things that go Moo. But first, the sunrise... I got up this morning pretty darned early for a weekend day, and it had cooled off pretty intensely overnight. It was in the forties, but there was a pretty brisk wind out of the north and my new birthday present barn coat was a handy thing to have. The lights were still glowing on the fence towards the road, and that was really cheery, so that was fun. I waited to let the girls out, and just read meters. Eventually, dawn broke and this sunrise was blooming. Wonderful!
Okay, then I went out and tried to straighten up from the chaos I had caused yesterday when I was 'cleaning' out the front shed. Basically, I was moving trash from one place to another, and basically I moved it again this morning, from the front of the shed to the trash cans and out to the road to be picked up tomorrow morning. I let the chickens into their pen, and kept up.
My friends Jim and Pam were scheduled to arrive around 10 o'clock to help me gather up cattle into the barn, and then Jody and Tonya were expected to arrive from Cedar Creek sometime after 10. I had everything planned out. Well, you know what that means, nothing goes as planned. Jody and Tonya got here about 9:30, and I had accomplished nothing as far as the cattle were concerned. HOWEVER, I did make some head-way today about cattle psychology. I have a better understanding of cattle now, and hope to use that to my advantage in the future.

Whatever...it took us about an hour to get four calves loaded up onto the trailer. I had previously (about 15 minutes before) decided that I would keep the black and white bull calf since Jody had brought along his tools to 'band' him. He is now in the process of becoming a steer, so when John and Susan find a place for 'The Chairman', Mr. Speckles will still have a steer to play with. This is a picture of the Chairman, a very nice looking steer, and he will be a good steer, wonderfully gentle, pleasant to look at and basically a really happy cow.

SO, now we are left with ten cattle; Mr. Speckles the bull, his harem or seven cows and the two bull steers, 'Chairman Moo' and 'Sleepy'. Sleepy got his name because I moved all the cattle to another pasture one day, and he got left behind, he was asleep in the tall grass and did not even know he was missing. This is a photo of the NEW STEER, 'Sleepy' who is most likely thinking he did not care at all for that brief adventure in the cattle trailer earlier in the morning. And he has this nagging feeling that all things south are no longer correct. He just really cannot put his finger on it right now. ANYWAY...
This will be a nice week work-wise, and I am looking forward to it. Nothing traumatic in store (and I wish I had not said that). Have a great week!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, STEER CALVES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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