No really, it really is Monday, although all day long I have been believing it was Sunday. I think we should go from Sunday to Tuesday more often, let's just forget about Mondays for a while, what do you say?
Today is Memorial Day, and I do not want us to forget why we have this Holiday, so please take a few seconds to think about those who have given everything; some for better reasons than others, but still, for the values we hold dear...

Today was the perfect ending to the Holiday Weekend. I got everything checked off my To-Done list, and I have started a new list for next weekend. Perfect! After a delicious egg-loaf breakfast, I went out and watered everything, front and back. Even though we have not had enough rain to speak of here, certain flowering shrubs and plants and bushes are doing their job and making a nice show for us. I think the contract of the Crepe Myrtles and the variegated cannas was particularly attractive this morning, so I wanted to share it with you.

I am the source of never-ending entertainment and discussion of the folks in and around the farm. I am probably the only person within a fifty mile radius that gets dressed up in full bee-keeper drag to mow certain sections of the yard, much to the delight of ANYONE that drives down the road (and turns around to take another look just to make sure). Well, the area up towards the road where the bees live does not need to be maintained as regularly as the other sections of the yard, but when it does, there is no reason to tempt fate. AND as long as I am already on the mower, there is no reason not to just keep going and cut (at) more of the yard. Yes, it is warm inside the suit, but stopping to take it off might break the rhythm of the moment. Jody took this photo for me, strictly as a means of documenting the moment. Whatever... It is my journal and I will publish photos of whatever I want...
We took a drive into Taylor this morning after I finished cutting (at) most of the grass and Jody and the dog-boy took their little ritual drive. Really, the ride in the truck is nothing more than a prelude to him getting a dog treat, and I think the whole thing could be circumvented with Jody going straight to the dog-treat, but they both are happy with the ritual they have. Sometimes the dog-boy is ready for his ride a little bit earlier than Jody is ready, but they have it all worked out. ANYWAY, in Taylor we stopped at the Dairy Queen and I have to tell you, our home-base Dairy Queen is by far superior to the one in Taylor. I think I will start a new blog and see if I can visit ALL the Dairy Queens in Texas. How long do you think that will take me, and how much will cost, just factoring in the cost of the hot fudge sundaes alone (forget about the price of gasoline and any thing else).

When we got home from Taylor, I went out and worked the bees. Sadly, just as I had suspected, I have lost two hives. One was invaded by moths (maybe wax moths) and the other was most likely just a victim of a weak queen and my poorly planned attempt to introduce a new queen to the hive. Of the remaining three hives, two of them are seemingly strong hives but they are not producing any honey. The third hive is strong AND is making a LOT of honey. I added another super to that hive this afternoon, giving them a little room to expand. I probably have about 80 pounds of honey in that one hive, so that will be fun to harvest later this year, maybe in a couple weeks. We shall see...

Before I finished cutting the grass (there was grass in two small planes that still needed to be cut), I jumped in the pool. Okay, maybe 'jumped' is not the right word. I walked into the pool. I usually dive into the pool, but recently I have been having issues with water getting into my ears. Last night, I had to get up out of bed to drain water out of BOTH ears, and that was the first time EVER IN MY LIFE that I had to do that. SO, I did not want a repeat of that, so I stepped graciously (NOT) into the pool and had a lovely time.
Got out of the pool, finished cutting the grass and decided to try doing NOTHING for the rest of the day. That has not worked, but it seemed like a good idea at the time.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, HONEY HONEY HONEY, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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