I got ALMOST everything that was on my chore list done; I did not pull weeds (they will still be there tomorrow, and the day after that), and I did not cut back the volunteer Mulberry tree. I have cut it down once this year already and I hope it will get the message that we don't want it there and will die of its' own volition.

I spent a lot of time cleaning out the front barn today, and it is very roomy and clutter free right at the moment. Jody says it will be all cluttered up again in a few months, I am not sure it will take that long. I keep moving CRAP from one barn to another and then to the garage, it is a never ending cycle. In the meantime, every now and then, we would take a break. This is a great picture of Jody and the boy dog relaxing on the porch. Beautiful weather for working outside. Moderate temperatures, and low humidity. Lovely...
We took a small load of usable stuff to the Goodwill store in Georgetown this afternoon, and since we were in the neighborhood, we stopped at Dairy Queen. This time, we both had hot fudge sundaes, and all is good. We both took naps when we got home, and I got up and cleaned the chicken coop. We passed a milestone yesterday, and I failed to report it. Yesterday, we broke out THOUSAND egg mark, and actually recorded 1,002 and two eggs as of yesterday. So far we have gathered four eggs today, and we just keep adding to the number.

Our little potted plants are doing nicely. We continue to get a strawberry here and there, and Jody picked some chard for dinner tonight. He also got two cherry tomatoes, I am glad we are not surviving on the bounty of the garden. I think we will be better at it next year, we are learning as we go. We are also getting some larger tomatoes, and we have some lovely bell peppers. Some of the things that are the easiest to grow are some of the things that we would never buy in the store, so that is a challenge.

Hubert and Pauline were driving down the road this afternoon, they were looking at the pastures to see if the rain had done any good to the coastal and Tifton that they fertilized a couple weeks ago. They turned around in the driveway and were heading home, and we called them on their cell phone and told them to turn around and come visit for a while. We all sat on the porch and visited for a while, and we gave them some eggs to take with them. Pauline said she will be making cookies this week, so the eggs will be good for that. This photo has nothing at all to do with Hubert and Pauline, it was just a pretty picture of the bell peppers.

I got most everything watered that needed watering, so Jody will not have to do that tomorrow. The skies were mostly clear all day today, but when I was out watering plants in the back, there were some pretty clouds rolling in from the north. The winds are supposed to stay from the north for the next couple days, so we will be enjoying moderate temperatures and continued low humidity. The winds will shift from the south later in the week, and we have slight chances of rain from Wednesday on. You never can tell about rain, there was no rain predicted at all last week, and we got a nice little shower. A few more of those and we would be sitting pretty. Generally speaking, we get more rain here than they do in Austin, but that has not held true for the last couple of seasons. Hopefully, we will have a bit more rain.
Going to work tomorrow, back to it. Gotta try and make a living.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, BROWN EGGS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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