TGIF! No, really. I cannot believe how much of a Friday person I have become, and it is a relatively recent phenomenon. I think it is only since we have been living in the country full-time that I actually CHERISH my weekends. I am totally looking forward to sleeping an extra hour or two for the next couple days. AND it is not as if I have nothing to do the next two days. I have a list that is a mile long (not really) but there are seven or eight things that I want to get accomplished before I head out of town on Monday. I am sort of (kind of) looking forward to going to DC, but I am always glad to be back home. A week from now, if everything goes according to plan, I will be close to circling the airport in Austin and getting back to the house.

Some body (or maybe I should say some-bunny) is eating the lettuce that we have growing in the front of the house, and this is probably not something that I can blame on the chickens. I think there is a bun-rabbit somewhere that is getting into the greenery, and I guess that is just the way it will have to be. I cannot think of a bunny getting into the lettuce patch without imagining a ZIGGY cartoon. I hope we do not starve because we let the rabbit have the lettuce. If we do, then I have bigger problems to address...

The gardenia that I planted a couple years ago is doing well, and it survived the winter without too much problem. I need to sprinkle some Epsom-salt around the base of the plant. I am not sure what it is lacking, but the Epsom-salt will fix it and make the leaves a lush dark green.
Speaking of chickens (see two paragraphs above if you don't believe me), we got six eggs from the girls last night and four today. They are starting to lay a little bit better, and we have plenty of eggs. I think we may make some deliveries tomorrow. Once I get back from my trip, I will check with the feed store to see if they got the other chicks in, and that might be something to look forward to in a couple of weeks.

This is a photo of a Retama that is growing up towards the road. They have MEAN stickers on them, and they are poisonous. I frequently get tangled up with this thing when I am cutting the grass. Wherever you get stuck, it itches very badly and can easily get infected. Pretty but mean.
I have big plans for the weekend, so I will let you know if I actually get anything accomplished or if I just forget about all of it and take the weekend off.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, PRETTY BUT MEAN, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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