AND, speaking of Jody, he informed me this afternoon that we have a ghost in the house, and it is a rather mischievous ghost at that. We have been experiencing issues with clocks failing, radios turning off and on and even the television in the den coming on and the satellite receiver coming on and off with no real reason. I am trying to figure out some electrical circuitry explanation for this phenomenon, but I am also good with the ghost theory. It makes for less for me to think about, and as long as the ghost is not malicious or evil, I think it would be just fine to have a resident spook. I will keep you informed about the presence. Several weeks ago, I could not get the theme song from 'Casper the Friendly Ghost' out of my head, and I kept going over the song in my head for hours. CRAZY!
I expect a good cold to hit me just any minute now, since I am going out of town a week from today. We shall see...
Deeds, Actions, Changes, PRECIPITATION, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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