BUT, the show must go on. I got up earlier than I would have preferred this morning, it being Saturday and the end of the world and all, and got my chores done and made an egg loaf for me and Jody. Got dressed and headed into Austin to give a TREC Ethics class to benefit TREPAC. And, well, there were only three folks in the class, but it was a really good class. I am hoping these classes will catch on in the NEAR future, but even three folks making an investment in TREPAC is a good thing.
I got home and took advantage of the cattle all being in the front pasture, and I high-tailed it out there and closed the gate so they were confined to the front pasture. I put out a fresh bale of hay for them, and brought their troughs from the other pasture to the east side, and I will give them some feed tomorrow. We are having friends and folks from our office out tomorrow, so there will be a two-o'clock-show, and feeding them is always a crowd-pleaser.
After that, I had a two-o'clock showing of a property I have listed in Schwertner, and the prospect did not show up. I called him, and he TOTALLY FORGOT, but he may make arrangements next week for another showing.
Jody and I went into Georgetown, had to make a Dairy Queen run, and a friend of mine had sent me a Gift Certificate to Dairy Queen in the mail, and that was SWEET. We got to the Dairy Queen, ordered out two-medium-hot-fudge-sundaes (please) and I plopped down the gift certificate. The manager looked at us, said 'put that back in your pocket' and comped the hot fudge sundaes. That is the second or third time he has done that. EVEN SWEETER!
When we lived in Austin, we used to go to Luby's all the time. Luby's does in fact have the BEST fried shrimp platter in town, along with the best liver an onions, and a couple other 'best things' to be found in Austin. Folks used to give us Gift Certificates to Luby's. PERFECT. Now, we live on the edge of nowhere, not a Luby's to be found, and the one in Georgetown closed up. What does that say? A Luby's in a community that has a Sun City, full of old people, and the Luby's closes up. Gotta be something there... I'm just sayin...
Rain is all around us, but we are not getting any. We are just on the cusp of the rain activity, but the front of the house has become really kind of lush with the vegetation. Of course, that is including the weeds, but green is green.
Tomorrow will be a more relaxed day, and it will be nice to chill out for a while.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, FRESH BLACK EYES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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