Okay, this probably classifies as too much information. As a result of various invitations to the farm for this or that, I have ended up with beer in the garage refrigerator that has been in there for a while. AND, it is time to get rid of it, so instead of my two glasses of wine per night (I went out and bought a bigger wine glass just so I could keep it to two glasses per night), I have decided to go through the beer in the garage refrigerator until it is all gone. I expect it will take me a couple of weeks to do it, but what you have now is a middle-class-white-guy-sitting-in-the-living-room-in-his-underwear-drinking-beer-and-blogging. See, I told you wit would be too much information. Never doubt me when I tell you something.

I took this photo of the four o'clocks last night. Jody came in and told me the perfume was just magnificent and indeed it was. Since we put up the pickets around the beds in the front, the chickens have been deterred from scratching, and the four o'clocks have flourished. AND, they are coming up all around, here and there. Very nice. If you need any seed or you have any seed to share, just let me know and we will arrange a rendezvous.

I called my friend (I wonder if he even knows my name) and resident chicken psychologist Jon at Buck Moore Feeds this afternoon with my query about the chicken that seems unwilling to leave the nesting box. I described the behavior and he stated (matter of factly) 'Oh, she's just broody. You need to put her out of the coop during the day, not let her back in until evening, and she'll get over it in a week or two. She's just broody.' Well, there you have it, she's just broody. I did not know chickens got broody but I guess they do. It will be interesting to evict her from the coop and see how she reacts to that. Another piece of information you read here first.

Okay, I am still on the same tank of gas, but tomorrow will be the day I have to break down and buy gas. May 6th was the last time I bought gas, it was a while ago because I went to DC for five days during that time. This photo shows my reading when I arrived at work this morning, and I am now at 1190.8 miles averaging 139.3 miles per gallon. Before I get gas tomorrow, I expect I will drive 38 miles (to the Board) and I hope to be over 140 miles per gallon. I should get all the way to the Board easily on all electric. Right near the Board offices is a gas station, and I will fill up there, and when I get to the Board I will plug into one of my 'secret plug-in spots' and be charging again. I will let you all know how it works out. I do not know if I will ever be able to do better than that, but I will keep trying. I think once there are more charging stations around, it will only keep getting better and better. Whole Foods has a new customer since I can charge there for free. Hear that retailers?

Speaking of efficient transportation systems, this cool VW was in our parking lot this afternoon. I don't know exactly, but I think it is a '65 and it is in beautiful condition. I don't remember this color being a stock color back then, though. It seems kind of drab. Maybe it was, who knows?
I got a call this afternoon at the office, and I have been asked to be one of the Instructors for the Texas Association of REALTORS Core Classes. The program will debut on June 16th at the Austin Board of REALTORS, but my first teaching assignment will be July 26th (I think). So that will be interesting and fun. Folks who are trying to get their Real Estate License will get a feeling of what the business is really like while they are attending classes, what a concept! I am looking forward to it.

This final photo (I am limited to five per day) is of a day Lillie that was blooming this afternoon. I planted these Lillie's a couple years ago, and they really did not do anything, but they finally seem to be taking hold this year. I am glad of that. You never know what will happen around here, or what you will see.
Every day is different.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, BROODY CHICKEN, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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