Another day, another day. But before we get too far down this road, let me mention something about yesterday; all my troubles seemed so far away. No, not that, I just want to share this photo with you, it was kind of interesting to see a little bit of color against the really wonderful blue sky. The contrails of the planes are really interesting. One day, I was coming home via Texas 130 from around the airport, and at one time I think I counted 14 separate contrails. Depending on the elevation of the road I could see more or less but it was interesting. Distracting, but interesting.

How many of you even know (or remember) that we have a cat? When we first moved here to the farm, someone abandoned a wonderful kitten that we took in (or she took us in, we still are not sure about that) and we named her Mischief. Back at that time, in the first year of this journal, I reported quite a bit about the comings and goings of that little kitten and how the QUEEN CAT (the one pictured here) was not at all amused. Long story short, the little kitty was out one day and never came back. We believe a hawk or an owl got her, maybe a coyote (but not really likely). Anyway, last night our girl cat (Missy) was making herself known (she rarely does that, she mostly sleeps) last night and I took a few photos and wanted to share this one. It is really hard to take a good photo of a cat, but this is a pretty good representation.

I was out showing property this morning, and this is a photo of some miniature bamboo that (in my opinion) is maintained by someone who is ever MORE anal retentive than I am. They really put some work into trimming and caring for this bamboo, but the look that is achieved is really interesting, and I was fascinated by it. I have to admit, the area in which I was showing the property was JUST A LITTLE BIT FUSSY, and this example of landscape maintenance was pretty much in keeping with the area. I do believe, however, that this would take the prize if they had a 'FUSSIEST' category. Whatever...
My friend Konrad (the owner of Round Rock Honey) is in DC this week, and attended a meeting at which Prince Charles was the speaker. A one of the things he said were (and I am paraphrasing the good Prince); It is Agri-Culture, not Agri-Business. I think that is a really interesting distinction. AND Konrad got some of the honey from the White House Hives. REALLY COOL!

UPDATE: I have driven OVER 1,000 miles on my most recent tank of gasoline, and I can still make it at least 70 more miles if I push it, probably more depending on my driving needs tomorrow. This will definitely be a personal best for me, and I expect this record will last for a while, not sure if I will ever be able to break it. I am at ALMOST 120 miles per gallon, and I would really like to make it to 125 miles per gallon. My previous personal best was 93 miles per gallon, so I am really happy with this.
I will update this for you tomorrow. I fully expect I will need to stop for gas tomorrow. We shall see...
Deeds, Actions, Changes, PERSONAL BESTS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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