Okay well, this just ain't right. At three o'clock this morning we were awakened by hail pounding down on the house and the windows. The dog was totally freaking out (it really does not take much) and the wind and rain was really ferocious. We turned on the Austin station we usually watch, and they were reporting 60 mile per hour winds right on top of us. Nothing damaged that we can see, we did get 8/10" of rain and all is well right now. I stayed up, did not even try to go back to sleep. By the time the storm was over it was 3:45, and almost time for me to get up anyway. So, I stayed up and had a (really) leisurely morning of usual chores, jut earlier.

Even though I really believe I could have gone another day (and probably another 80 miles) before I REALLY needed to put gas in the car, I went ahead today and filled up the tank. Remember, the manual calls for PREMIUM gasoline in the car, and that is okay with me. I filed up my tank today ($4.04 per gallon) and between fill-ups, I travelled 1229.2 miles and averaged 143.3 miles per gallon. My new all time personal best, and (just like the last personal best) I am not sure I will be able to break that mark. I love trying to see how far and how efficiently I can go with this car. It is not just an 'errands' car for me, and I put a lot of miles on a car, so I am happy with my performance so far.

The February women's shoe theme will not die. A friend of mine that attended the NAR Mid-Term along with me in DC had told me about her side trip to Filene's Basement, where she got bargain upon bargain. I think she paid about three dollars for these shoes, but she had to make sure I noticed them today. Truly, she is all about the shoes. I too like the look, I am just really proud that WE (He-Man-Types) are not the ones that are pressured by society to wear them. Whew!

After a long day of meetings, I got home and found that the cattle were in the front pasture where I could easily confine them and take them a fresh bale of hay. I am now putting out two bales a week (this is the first week for that) but in a couple weeks (the first week of June) I will move them to another pasture and they will have lots of green grass to chow-down on, and won't need the hay for a while. AND, since we have had a little bit of rain twice in the past three weeks, we may actually get a cutting or two of hay this year. That will make us all VERY HAPPY. Can you see me smiling?
It was a hundred degrees here today, and really humid, so I was in and out of the pasture as quickly as possible. It is not even June. HOT, HUMID, AARRRGHHH!
I evicted the broody chicken from her nesting box this afternoon as well. She did not put up any resistance, we will see how long it takes her to 1). Break that bad habit or, 2). Wear down my drive to break her of the habit. Smart money at this minute is on the chicken. We shall see. May the best species win.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, 100 DEGREES IN MAY ALREADY, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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