The last day of May already. We will never have this day again. Sad.
It was a busy day at the office after a three day weekend. It is the end of one month and the beginning of a new month, all combined. People moving out, people moving in, everything needs to be done RIGHT NOW, and we are trying our best to accomplish that.

This is a stepping stone that our friend Melody (of Bruce and Melody fame) our friend in Connecticut made for us several years ago. No Stress-Passing. Good advice. AND Bruce and Melody will be coming to visit us about ten days from now. I can vividly remember first meeting them; we were in LaPaz, on our first Smithsonian trip, maybe in about 1996 or 1997, and we were going whale watching. Bruce and Melody were on the same trip, and we met at the welcome dinner. Melody came up, started talking to us, and she was wearing a red (rhinestones as I recall) AIDS Awareness pin. It was a match made in heaven. We have taken another trip or two with them since then, and have become fast friends. Many of the trips we have taken have resulted in good friendships. They were on the Alaska trip where we met Jim and Peg, who we will travel to Waco to have lunch with on Friday. Jim and Peg have kids in Dallas, so we are meeting them 'half-way' although they live in New Jersey, so I think they got the bad end of this 'half-way'. ANYWAY, it is fun to remember back on those trips. I remember we were walking through the woods in Alaska, making silly noises and ringing little bells so we did not startle and black bears. The things you remember...

I did not have time to actually observe my day today, so I did not take photos of interesting things. When you have nothing to post, take a picture of a chicken, those are always winners. This is a photo of one of the Vera's, not sure which one unless we see them both together. We got five eggs from the girls this afternoon, and they are not going into their coop until almost 9 o'clock, WAY past the time that I should be laying in bed watching the television. Still not sure if I will endure with the challenge of getting one of the chickens to break its' broody habit. Maybe, maybe not. The challenge goes on.
I learned an interesting thing about my bees today, after speaking with Konrad of the Round Rock Honey Company. I may well have lost two HIVES but probably did not lose the bees. Konrad said when the hives are invaded or get weak, the bees (for the most part) will migrate and join other hives. I also have instructions on how to clean and prepare the lost hives so they can become habitable again, and that they may become populated again this summer. Time will tell...
Interesting stuff...
Deeds, Actions, Changes, GOOD FRIENDS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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