You know, the cost of living in wherever it was that Osama Bin Laden was killed must be even higher than it is here in the central Texas area, because here you can get A WHOLE LOT MORE house for your money than you seem to be able to in Afghanistan. It seems a MILLION DOLLARS f=does not really buy much in Afghanistan. Maybe that includes the hush money...I'm just sayin'...

This just in from the chicken cam...caught this photo of the chickens on their roost, still not sure if they need the limb that I have in there for them to walk-up on, or if they fly up on the roost. I need one of those wild-life cams to find out for sure.
I got off to a good start this morning, pretty much first thing (after all the daily things I do OCD) I put the new bee feeders out on the hives. They were pretty darned busy all day, too. Most of the hives have gone through the entire quart of simple-syrup (sugar water), at a ratio of four pounds of sugar to two quarts of water. That makes for a pretty thick syrup. I already have tomorrows batch ready to go.
Afterwards, I decided it was time to go and move the cattle from one pasture to another. Things were going really well until I realized I had left a gate open and the cattle seized the opportunity (COWPE DIEM) and headed off to somewhere. Luckily, I called Jody from the pasture and asked him to close the front gate, and none of the cattle made it very far towards the front of the house. It took me only about fifteen minutes to get them all back where they were supposed to be. I think it was as uncomfortable for them as it was for me. They really don't like to be in unfamiliar territory (I don't think).

I then went on to cut the grass in front of the house (cut AT the grass). Pretty soon after that, Jody and I went into Georgetown for a spoiler, and when I got back, I made this 'bee fountain' for the bees. They like to get water from really shallow places, like on the edge of fountains or bird baths, so I made this out of one of the troughs we had and a couple pieces of limestone. We shall see if they pay any attention at all to it. They have NEVER paid any attention to any water source that I have provided especially for them.

Jody and I went into Jarrell tonight for dinner at Mexicano Grill & Bar, where we both had the Tres Quesadillas Platters. I brought two of my three Quesadillas home with me, and I think Jody did the same. We will be eating on those for a while to come. While there, I watched the last minute (overtime) of the OKC/Memphis basketball game. I lived in Memphis for a while, so it was nice to see them win. The last minute of play went on for about thirty minutes. Crazy!
When we got home, we got into the Mule and went back to look at some interesting poop that I have seen for the last couple weeks by the barn. I am assuming it to be coyote poop, but it has some kind of flecks in it, and an the sunlight it looks like giant raspberries, even kind of sparkly. I asked Jody if he knew what it was, and he reports it to be 'poop'. Thanks!

As usual, whenever I look at chickens or cattle I have to count. I could only count 13 this evening when we were back there, but then I counted fourteen, and thought there might be a new calf, so we went into the pasture to take a better look. Nope, just the same calves that have always been there (recently, anyway). Doodle Bug is off to herself though, so she might be getting ready to calf. I will keep a watch on her tomorrow, but after that she is on her own for several days.
Got more on my list for tomorrow, and then it is out-of-town for a few days.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, POOP, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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