AND, if tomorrow will be the end of it all, why was everyone so 'hell-bent' (is that a poor choice of words) on getting their own way about things today. No one really seemed to be paying attention, and all the long-term planning seemed to be continuing. The television weather prognosticators were still providing us with a seven-day-forecast, so you can understand my concern. Whatever... BUT still, just in case, maybe I need to be hedging my bets.
After those previous paragraphs, everything else I could possibly say in this journal entry will sound somewhat anti-climactic. But, I will try to keep this brief and to the point.
Work, work, meeting. Meeting, work, work, meeting. Work, meeting, meeting. That pretty much sums it up for today.
When I got home, I got outside and cut (at) the grass. Front and back. THEN it rained 57 drops on two separate occasions. There is still some thunder around, but I am disappointed that we did not get any rain from this system. Life is full of disappointments.
Tomorrow I will go in and teach a class at the Board, then I have an appointment in the afternoon, then it will be time for spoilers at the DQ. Sunday we are having friends over, and that will be lovely. I will order the food after 11:30 (time of said end), but I do not know if that is Central time or Greenwich Mean Time. I will have to play that one by ear.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, CUP CAKES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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