The days go by and some of them are like a fog, they are all running together. I got to the office a little bit before 8 o'clock this morning. Did a little bit of power real-estate before our AM PM meeting (that is a PM meeting in the AM). Sat back down and did a bit more power real-estate before I headed out and delivered my Meals-On-wheels route. It rained off and on while I was making my deliveries, and it rained off and on throughout the day. This is a photo I took through the windshield on my way home from work. Is it illegal to take photos while you are driving down the Interstate? You never hear anything about that on the news, so I am figuring it must be okay. AND it distracts the other drivers who are texting...

I met a friend for lunch today at Whole Foods. Whole Foods is my new lunch destination of choice, because they have a charging station there, I pretty much ALWAYS have a convenient parking place, and they give away the electricity for free. AND, my friend Ryan picked up the tab for lunch. What could be better? The retailers in the Austin area need to figure this out; those of us who have electric vehicles will happily come and stay awhile if they will put in charging stations. I will go (a little bit) out of my way to go someplace if I can shop, eat and charge (not with my Visa) at the same time. It is a no brainer.
I left the office just before 4 o'clock this afternoon, and actually got home shortly after five, and even though there were (somewhat) rain-slick streets, I do not recall any traffic delays on the way home. When I was on my way to Whole Foods this morning, I just about slid into the back of the car in front of me, it had rained just enough that the streets were slick.

ANYWAY, once I got home, I went into the lab (that is what Jody calls it, because I sing 'Monster Mash' when I am doing this) and made some bee juice. The bees are going through six or seven pounds of sugar a day now, and I bottled up enough that I used twenty pounds of sugar, and that will last ALMOST three days. Four pounds of sugar mixed with two quarts of water makes just a little bit more than three quarts of bee juice, and I need five quarts of juice per day. Go do the math, it was not one of my strong subjects in high school or college.

After I concocted the bee juice, I was sitting in the office and Jody and I were talking, and I had a call from our neighbor Pauline, wanted to know if we likes beets and beet greens. Sure do (Jody makes a really good borscht) and so she brought us over some. That is really one of the things we like about being in the country, we all share if we have a bounty of something. Generally we are distributing eggs, and everyone shares what they have plenty of. Pauline is also getting ready to pick black-eyed peas, and she said this years crop has produced the biggest peas she has ever seen. I am ready for some fresh black-eyes.
I think I had better quit while I am ahead. I just got up to answer a call on my cell phone, and when I returned to the computer, I got a 'fatal error' message. Whatever...
Deeds, Actions, Changes, RAPTURE?, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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