Well, well, well. Another day and plenty of stuff accomplished, but there is still a lot of stuff to get done. I have too many 'to-do' lists, and too many things on the lists 'to-do'. That is the problem with leaving town for a week, I am trying to get everything done that I put off from last week, and keep up with the stuff from this week at the same time. BUT, I am making progress, and by tomorrow I hope to have everything from last week completed. Only time will tell...
I did get close to getting two properties (listings yet) under contract today, so that is pretty sweet. Both are set for July closings, so I need a June paycheck right at the moment. Okay, how about just a paycheck. I would settle for that.

Today was out NARPM Austin-Chapter monthly luncheon, and we met at Dart Bowl to raise money for Habitat-For-Humanity. A good lunch (I was hungry an hour after I finished lunch) of a club sandwich and REALLY greasy french fries, and we bowled two games. I bowled a 98 and a 104, which I am neither proud or ashamed of. What I am really proud of, it is now six hours post bowling, and I have yet to discover that I pulled or maimed anything from the experience. That is the thing with bowling, the pains and aches don't really present themselves for a couple of hours. This is a photo of Carrie, Me, Tom and Karla. Tom actually bowled a 185, he is our ringer, and Karla is good too. Carrie is not great, and I am just old. Whatever...
We got five eggs from the girls today, and all is good there. Still not sure if I will get my new chicks this weekend or not, I need to put that on my to-do list and make a phone call tomorrow.
Life is good, I am a lucky guy and the dog just tried to eat a bee and I bet he got stung on his tongue. We may be going to the vet in a few minutes.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, THAT WILL TEACH HIM, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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