This is a photo of the brooder, taken last night. Brood, brood, brood, that is pretty much all she wants to do. She and I are in a battle of the wills, and she is most likely going to win this one, BUT you never know, I could stay strong and see this one through til the end. I cannot keep the coop closed up all day long, since the other girls are still wanting to lay their eggs in there, so I have taken her out of her nest three times today. It is almost 8 o'clock, so I will be letting them back in the coop in a little while, but I will drag this out for a little while longer.
Let me tell you my theory of the evolution of weeds. I naturally go for the tallest of the weeds, and the tallest should be the heartiest, right? So I get the tallest weeds, which gives the puny little weeds more sunlight, but they still started out puny, so they should not thrive, and when the time comes for them to be pulled, they should be 'easy-pickins', right? RIGHT? Well, that is my theory, anyway. Not only am I stopping the disbursement of seed (even if I am not getting the weeds out by the roots) I am altering the gene pool of the weeds, and causing them great disruption in their reproduction. That is the theory, sounds good to me, right? RIGHT?

There was another morning glory blooming this morning, not on the trellis that I paid bid bucks to protect from the chickens, but in the middle of the decomposed granite path, where they are not supposed to be blooming. See my theory of weed evolution, and tell me if you think there is a trend here? I hope not. I wonder if the puny morning glories will be the ones that I have protected from harm, and the morning glories that are blooming in the middle of the path are the hardiest of the group? I gave the morning glories that are protected all the easy life, and the little scrappers in the path are the best of the bunch. CRAP!

How do you replace a light fixture that was professionally installed several months ago, but quit working? Well, in this case, you back the pick-up up to the tree it is in, put a ladder in the bed of the truck, and hold on for dear life. It was complicated by the fact that we are having 60 mile an hour winds, okay, maybe 50 mile an hour winds) and the tree was swaying and causing me to have the illusion that I was falling off the ladder. Anyway, I spent most of the day putting this light fixture up today. I do not think it is pointed exactly where I want it yet, but we will give it a critical look after dark.
So far we have four eggs from the girls today, and tomorrow (or maybe Monday) I am going to take the bee hives apart and see how they are doing. Should be interesting... Two more days of the long-weekend left...
Deeds, Actions, Changes, NEW FIXTURES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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