Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Volume 12 - Day 196/170, 2020 - Tuesday

Every time I see this guy, I am surprised he hasn't curled up and died somewhere. he is not in good shape at all. I am not sure if his right rear leg is broken, but it does not function very well at all. When I took this picture, he had been asleep with his head in the water bowl. With all the other ailments he is experiencing, I do not think the heat is helping his condition at all. In other news, I tend to have 'Karen' moments when faced with doing my own checkouts, whether it is Home Depot, HEB or CVS. Today, I had to go to CVS, and there WAS NOT A SINGLE CASHIER in the place. The only alternative was to do the self checkout, and I am of the opinion that, if it is not convenient for me, and since I am suddenly acting as your employee, then I feel I should receive the employee discount. No room there for negotiations. Whatever. I have not seen any of the run-off election returns, but I did hear that 37,000 people in Austin voted. Out of a population approaching 1 million. I guess it is just not that very important to too many peeps. Don't complain to me if you don't vote, and if you DID vote, don't complain to me anyway!

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