One of the neighbors a few doors away from the Curious House has left his giant (like 15 to 20 feet high) skeleton from Halloween in their front yard. Is that a new thing? This photo was taken earlier this week in central Austin, same kind of idea. I think I could make a zillion dollars if I could come up with a craze that encompassed Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's in one giant inflatable yard display. Think of all the time and bother that one piece of yard art could save the multitudes of upwardly mobile neighbors all across this great country of ours, while lining my personal pockets with the filthy lucre of their tasteless desires. The mind boggles. It was 70 degrees or so this morning when we started our walk, and that is a new record high low temperature for this date. Tomorrow we will be about 68 degrees, but then a front arrives over the weekend, and it is supposed to rain all weekend. So much for getting the dogs to actually get off the patio to pee. They have an aversion to getting their feet wet. We shall see...
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