I am having just a little bit of trouble keeping up with the days of the week. It is not like I am not paying attention, it is just (probably) that I just really don't care what day of the week it is. I assume that I will care what day of the week it is next week, but until then, I am just going to go with it. AND...you know what happens when one assumes... Today was not a bad day, all the usual stuff, but I was listening to a radio program, and an expert said he expected that next year we will be dealing with the Covid virus as 'endemic,' as opposed to a 'pandemic.' I looked it up, and I still cannot tell the difference. Feel free to comment, if you think you can help me out with that... Jody received a very special honor today, and it has been over a year in the making. That seems like a long time, but that is what it took. He was always a strong advocate of the People's Community Clinic in Austin, and they dedicated two wings in their facility to him, and I got the official notice this morning. I am attaching a photo of the signage at the Adolescent Health wing (maybe not a whole wing), and they also dedicated the Children's Health wing to him. He would be very proud of this, but he would not want to make a very big deal out of it, either.
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