Sunday. Not the typical Sunday, but not a bad one at all. Morning walk with Jay. Dick overslept, so he did not join us, but all is well. After the walk, I fed the girls, and then did a few segments of the defensive driving class. By the end of the day, I was done with the class, and got a 95 on the test. I know the question I missed, and I will look up the correct answer at some point when I have nothing better to do. Apparently, since I just got a speeding ticket, it appears I am younger than I think. Later in the morning, Jay and I took a quick trip to Costco, and then I did a few of my ordinary Sunday chores, and then went down for a nap. For the first time in a long time, I did not rearrange the garage today. I am not certain, but it might be that I finally figured everything out, and am satisfied with the current configuration. Probably not. I expect the coming week to be quiet and calm, and then we will be celebrating the New Year. I doubt that I will be making any resolutions, I am not really that strong willed when it comes to restricting diets and taking off some pounds. We shall see...
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