Well, it seems that in the last five days, the City of Austin Municipal Court has seen 33 people. I grant that, in the last five days, only two-and-a-half (or so) of them could actually be considered business days. Okay, let me be generous. Out of the last five days, TWO of them could be actual business days. That averages out to 16 1/2 people per day have been helped at the City of Austin Municipal Court office on Burleson Road. That does not seem to come anywhere close to covering their overhead. On this day (today) there were no less than ten Austin Policemen patrolling the large expanse of emptiness. And there were at least five other staff persons waiting for someone to send through the metal detectors, after they instructed them to empty their pockets, take off all their jewelry, remove all belts, and proceed. There were also two attendants checking the waste baskets to make sure they were not causing any foul odors. And then there are the actual clerks that are supposed to help the folks after they have taken a ticket (see photo) and waited patiently to be seen. I almost got in trouble because I told the electronic number giver at the kiosk that I was hearing impaired. NONONO. I told the staff person they could void that ticket, and I proceeded to correctly identify myself as a hearing person that would like to be seen by a clerk. When my number was called, I proceeded to present my certified driving record and the proof that I had successfully completed the prescribed defensive driving course. The clerk (the same lady I saw last week), scanned the paperwork, told me she had sent it on to the JP, and that was that. Receipt? Do I get some sort of receipt? Nope. UGH. So, I will try to remember in March that I need to confirm that I am not a wanted person, and see if I can find their office (on Burleson Road) again.
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