Overall, this was a really great weekend. It was cold this morning, it is still cold. 46 degrees when I last looked. 46 degrees is cold in Texas. I think it is about 65 degrees inside the house, I still have not turned on the heat, the reason for which is unknown, even to me. It is just a bit chilly, but I have nice warm cuddly blankies to wrap up in, and I have cozy house slippers, so all is good as far as I am concerned. It will be back up into the 70s by the middle of the week. I was all wrapped up for our morning walk, and the picture that accompanies this entry is of the moon getting ready to set as I walked out of the house. We had a nice brunch (me, Candy and Alisha), and then I went down for a nap...maybe two. I rearranged the garage yet again, and I think I may be satisfied with it for the near term, but if that is the case, I have no idea what I will do to pass the time next Sunday. Val arrived from Ireland on Friday night, and I was invited out to dinner with Dan, Nancy, Paulina, Val and Oliver tonight. After dinner, we walked around the square in Georgetown, just looking at the lights. Very nice...
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