Okay, other than a few spontaneous temper tantrums, today was a pretty decent day. As i reported on Monday, I received a speeding ticket, and today, I started the process of signing up for a Driver Safety Course (DSC), and the whole thing went south after that.According to the small (tiny) print on the ticket, I could find out everything I needed to know on the city website. Except I couldn't. The telephone number was helpful, and a nice lady showed me where to find it (try the search bar). I filled out the form, and, following the directions, I could either have the form certified and mail it with a check ($144), or I could go to one of the two Municipal Court locations in person. One of the locations was on my way home, so that was the location I chose. Except that court office is closed, and has been ever since the first challenge of Covid. Hmmm. Not happy. So, back in the car, the other location was 19 miles away, but it was early, so I decided to head back south. A couple of the hissy fits had already been had by the time I got back in the car; first, why was there NO MENTION that this location have been closed for two years, and then a woman (it's always wimmin) tried to run me over in the parking lot. Once in the car, I had another hissy fit when the police car in front of me decided to sit through the green light (he was first, I was second in line), and we just sat there while he (apparently) checked his email. I decided it would not be good form to honk at him, so I just screamed at him in the privacy of my own car. Ugh. When I got to my second destination, I went to the correct address, correct building number, and entered the lobby, where I was greeted by a sign that read, despite all the printed address notations on the DSC application, this location was NOT the office of the municipal court. Go out this building, head EAST, the municipal court entrance is at the END of this building. Okay, which way is east? If I went the direction I thought was east, my ambulatory travel was interrupted by a locked fence that said access was for police, and employees only. I persevered, and found that the actual location was on a different street, about five blocks away from the address on the paper work. Upon entering, I had to empty my pockets, and I was busted because I carry a pocket knife. You never know when you are going to need to cut something open, but that was not a very good response, so I had to go back out to my car with the knife, return to the lobby, and practically get nekkid before I could go pay $144 and leave with a bunch more paper that the nice clerk used a yellow highlighter to make important stuff. I now have authority to complain about this process until March 22, 2022, the last date that I can complete the DSC or else they will come looking for me.
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