I am very fond of Fridays. Fridays are (almost) always good days. What is there not to like about a Friday? Today, I got up, did my walk with Jay and Dick, and then I went and gossiped with Dan and Nancy. Nancy gave me a Goldbelly pizza, which I will (most likely) have for dinner tomorrow night. I was hoping to take a nap, but that did not happen. I had an 8:30 zoom, and that was a quick on-and-off, nobody gets hurt call. The housekeeper arrived about 9:30, so that was good. My IT guy called at about 10:30, and we got a few things done, but not everything. After the housekeeper left, I went in to Georgetown, traded in my generic license plates for new vanity plates, and then went to Galaxy Bakery to order pies for Christmas dinner. Key lime and cherry. I'm not sure this is really traditional, but I think it might work. Time will tell. I also went to get some groceries, and $103 later I was heading back home. I usually don's spend that much money on groceries, unless I am buying dog food. It is not hard to spend $50 on dog food, but today, there was no dog food, and no grapes, either. Tonight for dinner, I am eating leftovers from our Holiday party on Wednesday; chicken and beef fajita meat. I'm pretty sure the guacamole should not be eaten, so I am avoiding that. Last night was skeleton Christmas decorations, tonight is dead Santas. It is amazing the number of deceased Santas I see when walking through the neighborhood.
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