I didn't have to do too much research, actually, I didn't have to do ANY research at all. JoeMac sent me an e-mail this morning and told me where the Presbyterian Cemetery was in Georgetown. I went and found the cemetery, and I found the Connell plot. I found JC, but I did not find Minnie Lou. AND...I did not find JC that matched the birth and death dates that were on the Georgetown record. Who knows, but I found the Connell space in the cemetery. I also found a plot for an Evans, probably no relation. The earliest birth date I saw in the cemetery was 1858. Interesting stuff. That was after the walk, and then after the cemetery field trip I went and cruised HEB and Tractor Supply. I was on a mission looking for some yellow roses. Then I was off to Costco in Cedar Park, and then to Red Barn Nursery, where I found the roses. Got home, did a little this-and-that, and then went to a friends (Teri) for a little get together and dinner. Very nice. I did not feed the girls before I left, and they thought the end of the world was upon them. They have since been fed, and all is well.
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