noun Persistence in doing something despite difficulty, failure, or opposition, or delay in achieving success. "His perseverance with the technique illustrates his single-mindedness." The action or condition or an instance of persevering. Steadfastness. Today, we experienced our ninth (or tenth, the meteorologists don't agree, or I am not paying attention) consecutive day of temperatures of 100 degrees or more. At the Curious House, we had received 0.29" of rain this month. Occasionally, I will do a walk-before-the-walk. About a quarter-mile, just down the two immediate street that the Curious House calls home. I did that this morning, and came across this little wild flower, growing up out of a crack in the sidewalk. No one waters this little guy, no one cares for it, but it is still thriving. Persistence. I have done a few things in my life that no one thought I could, and I think we all have made accomplishments in spite of all the circumstances surrounding us. Never give up. One of my most gratifying accomplishments has been to take time to look around. Tp have slowed down occasionally to see the struggles of others, and to (maybe) given them a little encouragement. Granted, I don't do it as often as I should, but maybe I can start to do it more often. Maybe I will take a little bit of water down to this little, beautiful wild flower tomorrow, and say 'atta girl!'
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