Even though most superheroes have superpowers, Batman does not. He relies on his martial arts skills, detective skills, physical strength, intellect, wealth, technology, and will to face the criminals in Gotham City. First introduced in 1939, Batman developed a fan base that spawned his own comic book in 1940. It looks like he should be about 83 years old today. It also appears that Batman is comfortable on a leash, and that she (yes, this Batman is a girl) is fond of a good walk in the mornings. It was a good day. I made an egg loaf for breakfast, watered all the new landscaping, did a few small things around the house, including a couple loads of laundry. I did take a trip to Tractor Supply (for bird seed) and Dairy Queen, where I bought $36 worth of crap. Two medium Blizzards and two boxes of Heath Bar Dilly Bars. The cashier was a trainee, so he charged me for the Blizzards and two Dilly Bars. When they brought the order, it included the two Dilly Bars, but I had already put the two BOXES of Dilly Bars in the cooler I had with me. Nobody wanted to admit the mistake, and I had to BEG them to void the one transaction and charge me correctly. UGH. I honestly fear karma at this point in time, and you all need to be thankful for that. UGH. I also pulled a few weeds, uncovered a sprinkler head, and trimmed so suckers on a crepe Myrtle and the live oak in the front. Not bad for an old guy.
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