Friday, September 2, 2022

Volume 14 - Day 245/120, 2022 - Friday

Founded as the triweekly Democratic Statesman in 1871, the newspaper was originally allied with the state Democratic party during reconstruction. It became a daily paper in 1873. It absorbed the Austin Tribune in 1914. It also had its fingers in the Austin Statesman and Tribune, the Austin Evening Statesman, the Austin American, until it ultimately became the Austin American-Statesman in 1973. I have subscribed since I moved to Austin in 1985. I mention this history, just to inform you that, in my opinion, it has taken the local newspaper 151 years to be mis-handled and a poor read. My newspaper is NOT delivered at least two or three times per month, sometimes that many times per week. I went a full week with no delivery, I assume because the carrier was ill. No paper twice this wee, they no longer publish on Saturdays or Holidays. So that will make four times in seven days that I have not had a paper delivered. I understand this is just a ploy to eliminate print delivery and force us all to go to the on-line edition, but if I don't get the paper, I frequently forget to log-on to the paper. I am (apparently) hard to please. BUT, I am looking forward to the Holiday weekend, and it is only just beginning.

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