Morning glory is the common name for over 1,000 species of flowering plants in the Convolvulaceae family. They prefer full sun throughout the day. Usually, they are perennial plants in frost free areas, and some species tolerate winter cold. They can be recognized by their funnel shaped, radially symmetrical corola; it has five sepals, five fused petals, five epipetalous stamens (stamens fused to the petals) and a two-part syncarpous and superior gynoecium. Look it up yourself. They can be blue, purple, red, white and yellow. I planted mine this spring, some from two inch pots, some seeds, and I have had (maybe) twelve or fifteen blooms. Then the heat came. I watered them religiously (I'm agnostic, so that might be part of the problem), and the recent rains have really helped them go crazy. But no blooms. They are trailing up the trellis I fabricated, but still no blooms. Hopefully that will change some when the weather cools off, in a month or so. Even though we do have some freezing weather here, I have always counted on their ability to seed themselves, but if there are no blooms, there are no seeds. Crap.
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