Omaha Steaks. Apparently, there is no need for a 'best by' date on these, because there isn't one. I am still going through the freezer and refrigerator, eating the oldest stuff first. This particular thing, Breaded Boneless Breast of Chicken with Rib-Meat, Broccoli and Cheese, was given to me by Dan and Nancy before they moved, and it was perfectly good. Established in Omaha, Nebraska in 1917 as a humble custom butcher shop (their words not mine), Omaha Steaks is a fifth-generation, family owned company. It started out as the table Meat Supply Company. I have often considered ordering stuff from Omaha Steaks, but I can't be counted on to remember that there is stuff to eat in the freezer. I had a nice walk with Jay this morning, it was 66 degrees when we left the house. A short nap, then more working in the garage. I have two
empty sets of rolling shelves in the garage, and I have offered them to three different sets of people, and no takers. If there is a community wide garage sale in the fall (there was one in the middle of the summer and I refused to participate), I will try to sell them there, with a WHOLE LOT of other stuff that I have since moved into the attic. Almost a half inch of rain overnight, but the chances of rain in the coming seven days is pretty small. Not complaining.
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