Honestly, the dark is sneaking up on me. Not everyone (Mikey) is as passionate as me in my dislike for the time changes, and I am certainly not a fan of it. This too shall pass, and I will soon forget about it all together, until the next time. A nice walk this morning, followed by a ROMEO breakfast. I had an early appointment, which put me into the office close to 11:15. I was signed up for a CE class that I thought was three hours, but it turned out to be two hours, and that was nice...I left for home about 3:30, made a stop or two, and got home around 4:30. Tomorrow morning, I am going to pick Melinda up at the airport, tomorrow night there is a dinner to attend, and then Melinda has a 6AM flight on Thursday morning. That means 3:30 wake up call! The thing I am most worried about is that I need a button sewn on the sport coat I am planning to wear, and I doubt I am capable of that. Life is hard. One problem with the dark sneaking up on me is that I don't always have something to photograph, so you guys are just stuck with the wall in the back yard.
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