It was nice to be walking again this morning with Paul and Richard. I missed walking with them. I got home and fed the girls, and I had a bagel for myself. Shortly after that, Marge, Pam and Marian and I went to two yard sales. I spent three dollars and walked away with treasures I did not even know I treasured. Then it was time for a nap, then a little bit of this-and-that around the house, then another nap. I did manage to go to the grocery store, and got a few things to put into the garage. I had some sausage for lunch, not sure how long it had been in the refrigerator, and there was no expiration date on it. That is my kind of food. For dinner, I had some chicken noodle soup, and now it is time to slow down for a little while. I did also manage to go through all the mail that was in the box from the last week, and tomorrow I expect I will do laundry, and catch up on getting stuff recorded so I will be ready for the next tax season. I also think there might be some donuts in my future. I did not take any photos today, and this was on my camera roll from a year ago. I know exactly what it was and where the photo was taken, but your combined imaginations will make a much better tale than reality.
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