Well no record breaking walk this morning, but it was 46 degrees when I got up, and the forecast was 35 degrees. That is a big difference. It was pretty day today, but they are forecasting grey skies and dreary for tomorrow and maybe the next several days. Rain expected on Thursday. The ROMEOs had a nice breakfast this morning, there are five of us attending pretty regularly. I got in to the office, and it is really quiet this time of the year, and (knock wood) it is really kind of nice. I made it home about 3:30 this afternoon, and for dinner I am scarfing down Thanksgiving leftovers from Kerry and Carrie. Yummy good! I am still listening to the Barbra Streisand book, I have about 19 hours left out of a total of 48 hours recorded. Interesting. Thursday night is our annual HOA meeting, and everyone is getting prepared for that. It should be interesting. Then next week, book club. Our book, which I thought was very interesting, was Mr. Texas. In addition to the book, we each were charged with reading a biography, and to attend the book club dressed as the biographer. I am ready for it, and it should be fun! There were some really lovely clouds at the end of the walk this morning, enjoy!
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