There could hardly ever be a more beautiful day that today in central Texas. It started out kind of chilly, in the high 30s, but it ended up sunny, with cloudless blue skies in the 60s. Magnificent. We had a nice walk this morning, and Rick caught up with us for just a little bit. I got back after the walk, and fed the girls and took a nice little nap. I had a relatively productive day, too, getting much of the stuff on my list done, even though I had intended to pace myself a little bit. I did get out and went to an interior store I had heard about, but was kind of disappointed with it. Then, I stopped at HEB and got a few things, just a couple bags worth. Then I was down for another nap with the girls, and then dinner (a sandwich), and now I am waiting on something/anything worth watching on tv. I think I am out of luck there! You never know what you might see in downtown Austin, and yesterday when I was on my way home, Santa was outside City Hall, but I don't think that was Rudolph he was riding. Keep Austin Weird!
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