Other than going for a walk this morning, and going outside with the girls today, I did not leave the house. Okay, that's a lie; I did go outside a few times to bring plants in to the garage, and to cover plants on the back patio. We are expecting possible freezing temperatures overnight tonight and Monday night. Then there are no near freezing temperatures after that in the immediate forecasts. I mis-judged how cool it was this morning, and should have worn a heavier coat, and I won't make that mistake again tomorrow. I did a few little minor things around the house today, really small things that I have been meaning to do for a while, but just kept putting it off. Otherwise, all I did was watch tv and take naps. I considered getting out and doing something, but I thought better of it. I cannot think of anything that I need to buy, so these Black Friday and Cyber Monday things are really just wasted on me. I'd be happy to make a purchase if there was something I wanted, but so far, no. I think football teams should be penalized for running long. Every week I expect to watch 60 Minutes at 6PM, and almost every weekend (during football season) the program does not start on time. It throws my while schedule off. Boo-Hoo! On a more positive note, my Christmas Cactus is starting to bloom, and it looks like it will outdo itself this year. Stay tuned.
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