There were six of us walking this morning, there have never been that many walking. Rick joined us for the walk, and it was COLD, 34 degrees when I left the house. I broke down after I got home this afternoon and turned on the heat, just to take the chill off. I will cut it back later this evening, and probably repeat the process tomorrow. Overnight tonight is the last forecast of really cold weather for the near future, and it could definitely be worse! The good news is, I slept through the national news this evening, and that is probably the smartest thing I have done in months. There was nothing particularly exciting going on at the office, but we did find a copy of the County tax for the office and the personal property tax on-line. We called the tax office, and they said they have not yet mailed the tax bills, which I think is kind of crappy. They are due, but they haven't mailed the invoices. Makes no sense. We have digital cable tv at the office, and I am not a fan. Generally, the video is pixelated or there is no sound. It is almost like when I was a kid, and we had to move the rabbit ears around, or turn the rotor on the outside antenna, once we got to be really middle class. Carrie found the perfect way for the best reception, but I could not motivate her to stand there with the receiver box for very long. Kind of selfish if you ask me.
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