Really? Really!! Day Three Hundred?? I remember part of today, very little of yesterday, and what about all those other days? I have no clue about Day Two Hundred. When was Day One Hundred? AND, if this is Day Three Hundred, that means we only have sixty-five more days until it is Day One all over again. And while I am on this subject, what is it will all that Spring Forward-Fall Back foolishness. And when are we going to Fall Back? The Bartlett Tribune Progress (Serving Central Texas Since 1886) reported on the front page of it edition last week (and I quote) "GET READY! TIME CHANGE! Its almost time to Fall Back Sunday Morning, November 7. Set your clocks forward on hour Saturday night before you go to bed." Well, that seems to contradict itself. OR, is the City of Bartlett seceding from the rest of us and choosing to defy the time mavens and go even further backward than they already are? I think I should probably not get started with this.

SO, I will start this instead. I am prepared to be ridiculed and harassed by approximately 50% of the world's population when I say 'What is up with all these WOMEN DRIVERS?' I think it is safe for me to consider myself an expert on drivers, since I am on one of the most congested Interstate Highway Systems at least five days a week, for a minimum of 500 miles per week, and I am telling you, the women-folk have issues. They really should switch off the AM talk-radio and go for something a little bit more Barry Manilow-like. We will all be safer for it, and what we really need is a bit more calm in the world right about now. I KNOW, it is really not the AM talk radio that is getting to them, it may just be all the election advertisements; one-half wants to string up the other-half (if you get my drift). Okay, I will step down from my soap-box now.

TODAY was all about the Austin Board of REALTORS Realty Round Up at the Austin Convention Center. I think it was a great day. Realty Round Up is the biggest real estate trade show in central Texas, and it was really a fun day. Our company had a booth and we all had a pretty big time. Our booth included a photo-booth with lots of silly hats and boas and that kind of stuff. The photo above is my business partner Carrie, and the photo adjacent to this paragraph is of our fabulous EXECUTIVE ASSISTANTS Tom and Karla. They are wonderfully competent and keep our office running like a top. Thanks for all your hard work. AND, just because I put Carrie's photo adjacent to the paragraph that talks about CRAZY WOMEN DRIVERS (oops, I did it again), there should be no editorial comment assumed. THANK YOU.
Tomorrow will be a calm day, PM meeting in the AM, and then Meals-On-Wheels. FUN!
OH, Chicken Update: Six more eggs today, and today ends five full weeks of egg production by the girls. We are averaging just a bit over 23 eggs per week, and I think that is a LOT of EGGS. I do not think they can keep up that pace, but we will see, and you will all be the third of fourth folks to be informed of what is happening, chicken-wise!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, CRAZY WOMEN DRIVERS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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