This is not any sort of trick photography, or some kind of misconception of scale. This is just an example of a REALLY BIG egg. We have one chicken (we do not know which one) that occasionally lays a HUGE specimen of egg. Usually these eggs have a double yolk, but in comparison, I would not be surprised if one of the girls had to take a day or two off after having pushed this thing out. BIG EGGS! Anyway, we got six more eggs today, and we are not exactly sure what it is, but we feel we must be doing something right.
A nice day at the office today, and everyone was pretty much feeling better. Karla was back in the office today, and reported she had visited the emergency walk-in clinic over the weekend, and they reported she had the flu. Tom believes he just has a bad case of allergies, and I think I am going forward with allergies; I feel better in the mornings, and get 'medicine head' kind of feelings by the late afternoon. Overall, I am happy to report that we should all make 100% recoveries 'sooner or later'.
Got lots of office work completed today, and had two appointments in the office; one for a new property management client, the other for an agent that may be inters ted in associating with our company. Both interviews went very well, and I will be happy to see the results of both. Fingers crossed!
Tomorrow and the next day will be jam-packed days; tomorrow is a Board meeting and Wednesday is the annual Realty Round Up. So, it was good that I had the day before to take care of business before I have to take care of business!

A beautiful sunset was presented this evening, and that is one of the things we like about living on the edge of nowhere. There is nothing to get in the way of sunrises, sunsets, wind, rain...you kind of get the idea! The other side of that coin is there is nothing to get in the way of cold winds, hot sun and those things. BUT, I will take all of the good that comes with just a little bit of the bad! There is a baby bunny that probably has a warren under some of the bushes in front of the house, because I have seen it twice today on the front porch. From the window in the office, I can see the porch and yard very well, and I have seen him twice on the porch. He is about as big as two fists, and more than likely is making some of his first excursions away from home. They need to be very wary!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, BIG EGGS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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